Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.
After planning a few posts ahead, I stopped cold when I learned about Microsoft Mesh. You know that scene in the Original Star Wars movie where Luke Skywalker is cleaning R2-D2 and accidentally starts the hologram of Princess Leia saying “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.”? That is Microsoft Mesh. Well, not quite that advanced but it will remind you of movie special effects immediately. The technology is called Mixed Reality (MR) and combines real and digital objects. Unlike Virtual Reality (VR) goggles where all you can see are projected images, MR headsets allow you to also see through the projected image to your own immediate surroundings. Microsoft…
Hashtag #hashtag #MoreViews #itIsBetter
I wanted to share with you an observation about using hashtags on LinkedIn. Previously I posted what I thought was useful information on testing the passwords saved automatically in your browser. Even with almost 4000 connections, only 14 people viewed the article. About a week later I posted an update with some new information. Thinking I would increase readership by including relevant hashtags I posted the update with #passwords #internetsecurity. 10 Views. What the hell? Next, I found which hashtags were being used on LinkedIn. After a Google search, I found several sites which claim to offer the “most popular” hashtags. Although a few of them looked like they were probably…
Critical Security Answers
I have a bit of an update for you to my previous post, Critical Security Issues Found. After changing many of the compromised and reused passwords I checked a different source, Firefox Monitor (https://monitor.firefox.com/breaches). It revealed a new breach at Pluto TV. I do not even watch Pluto TV – signing up only to check it out some time ago! After all the work I did and the sheer number of sites and passwords both personal and professional I decided to use a password manager – software which remembers all your passwords thus allowing you to use stronger passwords without memorizing them or storing them all in a note on…
Critical Security Issues Found
What!!?? I did a routine check on my personal Google account and found a somewhat alarming warning. The alert said, “Critical security issues found”. Underneath that text was a link marked “Take Action”. Clicking that button brought me to the Password Checkup section of my Google Account. Up until then I was not overly worried. Then I read that Google had found 103 compromised passwords, 570 reused passwords (which is usually not a good idea) and 516 accounts using a weak password. A few of the compromised passwords were found in a data breach uncovered just a few days ago, while others date back several months. Some of the compromised…