Tech 01
My legs are sore, my back is sore, and we unpacked the computer before we even turned on the refrigerator. Every single thing we own went up four flights of stairs. With that kind of chaos, why is it that I found it necessary to set up the computer desk first? Because we’re connected. Welcome to Tech.
It’s a new world. We’re all wired together in an electronic village that knows no border. So what does that have to do with moving into a new apartment? Everything. That wire is the copper and glass thread that keeps us rooted in a common frame of reference. The computer has moved out of the office and into our personal lives. In this weekly column I’ll address the technical side of everyday life in Hampton Roads. From on-line banking to e-mail, technology has finally been handed to the community as a tool everyone can use.
Recently the internet made front page news during the Heaven’s Gate tragedy. The media made the web sound spooky, being associated with a cult and all. Truth be known, the internet is not mysterious. It’s just a bunch of phone lines hooked up to a bundle of computers. You can sum up the world wide web in one word. Cool. And believe it or not, the internet is easy.
Tech is the place you can scan each week to see which electronic developments are affecting our collective life style. This is also the space to pick up a new age jargon. Trust me, you’ll be impressive as you relate how you downloaded a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). You’ll be even more impressive when you can explain what all those crazy acronyms mean! As intimidating as it all may seen, it’s just a bunch of pictures on a wire. So click on… let’s have some fun! If you have any questions along the way, drop me a line at <>. [no longer active]
Oh yeah, about the move- the view from the Phat Phlat is lovely. The computer works just fine and I e-mailed this column.